Crock Pot Beans

I have made beans from scratch in the past without success.  This recipe looked easy enough and promised success.  CLICK HERE to visit the site with the original recipe. Dry bulk beans are cheaper and easy to store.  The best part is that you can make a whole pot of these beans and freeze the extra portions for an easy meal in the future.

For this demonstration I am soaking about 4 cups of black beans.  I added 8 cups of water.

At about two hours later the beans were at the top of the bowl and the water was almost completely absorbed.  I changed out the water, it was pretty black.  Six hours later the beans had absorbed some more water and were ready to go into the crock pot.  I rinsed the beans out in a colander.  I put the beans into the empty crock pot and added enough clean new water to cover them.  For a tiny bit of flavor I added 4 cloves of crushed garlic and 1 teaspoon of salt.

Now the beans just cook away into the crock pot for about 8 hours on low.  This is something you have to plan ahead for dinner the night before.

If you like having beans on hand for dinner right away try freezing them.  I froze my in an ice cube tray.  Whenever you want beans simply throw some bean cubes into a microwave safe bowl or heat over the stove top carefully stirring through the whole process.

CHECK IT OUT!  I dehydrated a few cups of crock pot cooked beans.   Here is how I did it.

First you do the soak, cook in the crock-pot and cool, then spread your beans on a dehydrator tray.  Dehydrate on medium for about 4 hours or until they are completely dry. 
Just because they can be dehydrated doesn't mean that they taste great.  It would work in a cataclysmic disaster as food but I would rather have them thawed out from frozen than re-hydrated.  The taste is lacking, Just say-en. It could possibly work in a soup mix if the beans weren't the main flavor carrier.  

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